Friday, January 27, 2006

They who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not Faint....
Isaiah 40:31

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realise it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is costly, care for it.
Life is wealth, keep it.
Life is love, enjoy it.
Life is mystery, know it.
Life is a promise, fulfil it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.
- Mother Teresa -

"Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -- John 14:27

heLLo dUniA...

Hmm... tough days...
banyak bgt yg bikin gw jd lemah.. soooo weak..
capppeeeeeee bgt...
emotionally and spiritually lg ga stabil... n akhirnya physically jg capeee... ga bisa bobo... semalem ga nyenyak bgt tidurnya.. dari jam 3an br bisa merem sampe jam 4.30 dah kebangun n ga bisa tidur lg... huuuuuuhhhh... ngantuuuuk!!! tapi harus bangun... soalnya mesti ke DMV.. ga mo ditunda" lg dehhh... kayaknya urusan ga pnah ada beresnya... well, i prayed that i just wanna have a good day, one blessed day pleaseee... before my birthday.. and i hoped this is gonna be the one at least, coz i couldn't hold this anymore... too much!!!! i don't know what's going on with me... i don't know what's inside me now... i feel i'm somewhere out there with no one... even my True Friend... i couldn't see Him in me... i'm losing my faith... but NO!!!! i have to be me, i have to have that faith again... that I'm not just me myself, but He is always in me to give the new hope and strength... to give the new sunshine in my heart... to give the way that I have to choose...
Praise God..
one problem was a bit solved... tes DMV pass...
trus banyaaakkk yg menghibur jg siyh... at least ada yg berusaha ngejayus jg.. ada yg lemot tp seneng bgt karena dah dah 2 kali failed tes DMV n finally pass... (ampun massss.. =p) trus ada yg emang lucu dan dodol... yahhh jadinya hari ini aku boleh ktawa lepas lagi...
thanks Dad.. You made my day...
i pray that from today i can feel, hear and see You again in my life.. in my prayer...
thanks bgt bwat yayangkuuuu yg sabar" ajah sampe skrg ngadepin gw yg bener" ga jelas gini.. bwat temen" yg terus ngedoain gw, kk"ku yg juga setia dengerin n berusaha menghibur with advice and Words of God..
love you all!!!
God bless...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

ByE RSM.... WeLCoME tO IRviNe... :))

finally... stelah long weekend... dah mesti masuk skul lagi, kerja lagi... banyak pr n projects pastinyaaa... n tadi pagi dah pindahan, baru... hmmm brapa yah 3/4 barang" yg ada di "tempat peristirahatan" saya yg trakhir.. yg nyaman... :)) ciiieeehhh...

2 bulan yahhh udah... gw tinggal di Rancho Santa Margarita... nice peeps surround me... apalagi ada roommate yg paling asiiikkk... Mr. Joy... heuheuheuheuheuhe.... yahhh ga berasa dehhh 2 bln uda lewat, padahal kayaknya br bentar gt yahhh ngobrol" plus begadang ama bapak satu ini, hihihihihi... =p trima kasi trima kasi bwat Damasus n Cynthia yg rela menampung saya temporary, huhuhuhuh... yahhh ktemu dehhhh ntar pas Wednesday hangout... tapi tapiii... skrg sayaaa dapet schedule kerjanya hari rebo lagiii.. aduuhhh aduhh mesti atur jadwal dulu dehh kalo gt... ntar bu operator aka saya sendiri bakalan kasi kabar dehhh kalo dah available lagi every Wednesdays... hehehehhe... okok???

hmmm trus mo crita jg soal weekend kmaren... wuiiihhh mantap dehhhh!!! Jumat pagi dah siap" di John Neumann bwat OC Nite tapi siang, jdnya OC Noon dehh... hehehhe... sampe sore trus retret deh di Fullerton... uuuhhh uuhhhh that was awesome... it brought me back to my first experience... 3 years ago i think..???
Praise God for the wonderful guest speaker too...

trussss Senennya... ngapain yahhh... ohhh spent time with my honey bunny, huhuhhuhuhu... ke tmpt Ernest jg... trus trus makan sushi yg enak bgt... waduhhhh mesti bawa kalian"... {Wed-hangout peeps plus Andy Wilianto siyh.... =p} ke Corona donkkk.. hahahaha... jauuhhh bener yaaakkk... hmmm yah bgitu dehhh... trus capeeeeeee bgt yg ada... beres" bwat pindahan, trus bobo dehhh... td pagi beres" lagi plus pindaahhhaaann... aaaaaaaaaaahhh... mayan lega udahhh.. tapi masi ada yg blom keangkut siyh... jadinya ntar mesti ngambil skali lg dehh ke RSM... :)) makasiiii Willy dah bantuin n bersedia dibikin panik... hehhehehe... maaapppp"... u're special dehhh!!! yahhh bgitulah crita long weekend ayeeee yg mantap abiiiss... =p

Saturday, January 14, 2006

mY 6th-mOnTh aNNiVeRSaRY...

6 months we have been together
in happiness and sadness
in laugh and tears
in His blessings
lots of memories we have had,
lots of hugs and kisses,
life and love stories we have shared
my hope and pray
may this relationship will be everlasting
now and forever
according to His time and plan
love you sayangggg...
sayang kamu sayang kamu sayang kamu
God bless..

Thursday, January 12, 2006

fiRst wEeK of sChOoL...

4 daYs already....
blom juga seminggu, kerjaan dah mulai banyak... writing dah mesti baca berjuta" halaman, well.. hiperbolis sih.. ga berjuta" jg... but it means a lot!! trussss.. yahh itupun blom tentu masuk kelasnya, masi waiting list... huuuhhhh gara" tuh anaq kecil rese, masi kecil jg... palingan masi 9 taonan gt, tapi dah masuk klas Writing 1...
hmmm well... smoga bisa dapet deh niyh kelasnya.. males mesti ambil Bio nway instead of taking the English... jd intinyaaa... sebenernya gw niat skul ga yaaaaa??? heuehuehuehuehuehue...

Praise God as He is good all the time..

Monday, January 09, 2006

baCk tO ReaLiTy... baCk tO sCHooL!!!

after 3 weeks I enjoyed my holiday... now is the time to back to my world..
have to take an effort again to achieve my goals..
even till now I haven't seen all my grades yet.. am not ready tho to find my not prefect work i had have done last semester... =p
but.... one thing that i'm proud of myself... finally i got an A for my Psychology Honors class.. even i thought it was impossible, coz we just had 3 exams to do including the final exam... and those 3 exams worthed 25% each... then i had my essays and attendance worthed the rest of it... my first exam was so messed up, i just got 70%!!! and that's kinda tough to make it A... it meant that i had to have 96% and 98% at least for my other two exams and all my essays and attendance must be perfect... whaaaaaaattt??? it's such out of my mind to get the A... but praise God i could do it... just such a miracle for me n i am sure this was not only my hardwork, but His almighty hands finished it!!!

and starting from today... i have my spring semester 2006 begun...
wish me luck... :)) it's a pretty hard semester too i think.. since i have math calculus, math computer, C++ and writing class... maybe for the two first classes i mentioned... it's not hard as I have had them done before... but for the C++.. i have to work hard coz i know i'm having a lot of projects coming up, n for the writing... since i don't like to read that much... "kinda lazy i believe..." and write in English.. lol.. =p so it's one tough subject for me...

hope i could have nice spring semester... yeaahhhh!!!

Friday, January 06, 2006

aNoTHeR faREweLL... {foR a WHiLE}

Fiiuuhhh... this feeling again...
to say goodbye to our wonderful peeps around us is so hard...
n once again...
i do have to have that kind of feeling...
even this time, it's just for a while..

friends come...
friends go...
but the true friends are always be with you...
in happiness and also sadness...
even we can't see one another..
but His love and our faith unite us...

Tjo... baek" dehhh yaaaa, teker always di indo n jepang...
sampe ktemu 9 bln lg... yahh anggep ajah loe cuti hamil gt, ntar abis itu balik sini lg dehhh.. okok???
keep in touch teruuusss.. crita" n gosip" tetep ditunggu, hhihiihi... :P
God bless!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

oPeN thE eYeS oF mY hEaRT LoRD....

These past few days...
I feel like I'm alone, nobody cares..
nobody really makes me happy...
everything goes well, I could smile,
but my heart has been crying and yelling..
and crying and yelling...
think that this world is just nothing,
everything seems fake,
and it's only me, myself in this world..
nobody else I could see,
neither God, the only Savior I have
nor my lovely peeps..

once again...
so sad ...
so blue...

but He has showed me something...
that actually this is what is called dryness...
and it's not just me who feels it,
the thing is most of my old community members are having the same feeling...
and I just think it's weird..
I've already here, in US for more than a year...
and we're separated by the ocean..
some are still in Indo, and the others are in Australia... but we are facing the same problem now...
this is what we call community, even we're separated physically...
but we are bonded in His name...

where am I??? what community am I belong to???
aaahhhh... so many things messed up,
and I couldn't be as me anymore...
I'm kinda different indeed...
I'm waiting for His answers...
His explanation...
His promise..

This life is so tough...
This life is so mean..
I'll keep my faith till the end of my life...
coz that faith is only the thing that holds me up and strengthen me...

Bring me wherever You want me to be...
Give me everything to make me as perfect,
as pure as You want me to be....
Take everything from me just to broaden Your Kingdom..
coz the Glory and Honor are Yours forever and ever...

In His hands,

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

....sDiKit ReNunGan....

A bit sharing from what I got these past few days..
ttg panggilan pelayanan.. oohh well.. deep sihhh mungkin, n emg ngena jg ke gw gituh... :)) seringkali gw mikir.. aduhhh ngga skrg deh.. istirahat dulu dari yg namanya pelayanan.. capeeee.. masa ga di indo, ga di US sama ajah.. pelayanan... jd umat dulu ajah lahh.. dll dll dll.. so many reasons I passed to Him.. so many excuses I could give to reject it... tapi tetep ajaaaaa... dimana gw mo lari dari panggilan ituh... smakin kuat panggilan n suara"Nya... n I realized.. smakin kuat jg sbenernya kerinduan melayani klo ngliat ladang yg sbenernya punya potensi, banyak talenta tapi masi kering alias pekerjanya masi sdikit...

well.. each person has his or her own calling.. pelayanan ga slalu harus yg kliatan, yg berdiri di depan, yg kliatan sibuk slalu... NO...
dari hal" kecil yg qta lakuin tiap harinya bwat org laen... itu udah pelayanan.. n dimana qta sadar bahwa yg qta lakuin ituh sbenernya qta lakuin bwat Tuhan... that's called SERVICE...
yah gitu ajahhh sih... pas saat gw kering gini.. gw cuman mo ingetin ajah supaya disaat kalian terpanggil.. bwat jadi apa ajah ga usah yg muluk"... do it n do never reject His calling, karena gw ngerasa dimana gw boleh melayani itu something special, a gift from Him n even gw lagi cape emotionally n physically.. I still can feel His love and strength...
God bless us all..
Trust in the Lord
Lean not on your own understanding
In all of your ways acknowledge Him
He'll make your path straight.....

Monday, January 02, 2006

HaPPy NeW YeaR 2006!!!

Helluuuuu smuanyaaa.. first of all.. just wanna say...

Yahh moga" di taon yg baru smuanya jadi tambah lebi baek dari taon" sblomnyaaa.. lebi optimis, smangat menghadapi hari" ke depan jugaaa.. may God bless you in every path.. and lead each of you and me in every single thing and decision...