Thursday, January 26, 2006

heLLo dUniA...

Hmm... tough days...
banyak bgt yg bikin gw jd lemah.. soooo weak..
capppeeeeeee bgt...
emotionally and spiritually lg ga stabil... n akhirnya physically jg capeee... ga bisa bobo... semalem ga nyenyak bgt tidurnya.. dari jam 3an br bisa merem sampe jam 4.30 dah kebangun n ga bisa tidur lg... huuuuuuhhhh... ngantuuuuk!!! tapi harus bangun... soalnya mesti ke DMV.. ga mo ditunda" lg dehhh... kayaknya urusan ga pnah ada beresnya... well, i prayed that i just wanna have a good day, one blessed day pleaseee... before my birthday.. and i hoped this is gonna be the one at least, coz i couldn't hold this anymore... too much!!!! i don't know what's going on with me... i don't know what's inside me now... i feel i'm somewhere out there with no one... even my True Friend... i couldn't see Him in me... i'm losing my faith... but NO!!!! i have to be me, i have to have that faith again... that I'm not just me myself, but He is always in me to give the new hope and strength... to give the new sunshine in my heart... to give the way that I have to choose...
Praise God..
one problem was a bit solved... tes DMV pass...
trus banyaaakkk yg menghibur jg siyh... at least ada yg berusaha ngejayus jg.. ada yg lemot tp seneng bgt karena dah dah 2 kali failed tes DMV n finally pass... (ampun massss.. =p) trus ada yg emang lucu dan dodol... yahhh jadinya hari ini aku boleh ktawa lepas lagi...
thanks Dad.. You made my day...
i pray that from today i can feel, hear and see You again in my life.. in my prayer...
thanks bgt bwat yayangkuuuu yg sabar" ajah sampe skrg ngadepin gw yg bener" ga jelas gini.. bwat temen" yg terus ngedoain gw, kk"ku yg juga setia dengerin n berusaha menghibur with advice and Words of God..
love you all!!!
God bless...


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