Friday, December 30, 2005

At The Foot of The Cross

Fearing the battle was over
And I'd already lost the war,
I was tired of trying and failing.
I just couldn't fight anymore..
So, dragging my battle-scarred body,
I crawled to the foot of the cross.
And I sobbed. 'Oh please, Father forgive me.
But I tried...I tried.. and still lost...
Then the air grew silent around me.
I heard His voice just as clear as the dawn:
'Oh, My child, though you are tired and weary,
You can't stop, you have to go on.'
At the foot of the Cross , where I met Him,
At the foot of the Cross, where He died,
I felt love, as I knelt in His presence .
I felt hope, as I looked in His eyes.
Then He gathered me lovingly to Him,
As around us God's light clearly shone.
And together we walked though my lifetime
To heal every wound I had known.
I found bits of my dreams, long forgotten ,
And pieces of my life on the floor.
But I watched as He tenderly blessed them,
And my life was worth living once more.
I knew then why I had been losing.
I knew why I had not grown.
At the foot of the Cross came the answer:
I'd been fighting the battle alone .
At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him,
At the foot of the Cross, where He died,
Then I knew I could face any challenge
Together--just my Lord and I...

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Aduuhhh bosen.. capppeee dehh... lots of things surround me but nothing can relieve me from these feelings... campur adukkk... keseeelll, bt, pengen marah"... tapi ga tau ini smua ditujukan kpada apa ato syapa... n i really don't know the reason.. i just feel like.. i'm tired of everything.. i know some people can make me laugh, happy... but it's actually just a temporary gladness.. as they go... i just get bored again... and worthless... so sad.. so blue...

Lord, i just wanna surrender all my life, heart, and all my existence to You.. coz i really don't know what is wrong with me, in me.. nothing can lift me up at this moment... and You are the one that I could rely on... forever and ever I'll be Yours...

In His mercy,

Monday, December 26, 2005

bbQ tiMe at ChRIstMaS...

BBQ time niyh di rumah Ernest di Corona... well... am so glad to be one of BiNun members... :)) haVe a VeRY meRRy ChRistMas smuanyaaa!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas is coming!!!!

Merry Christmas 2005
may God bless you abundantly and the Christmas spirit enriches your faith...

Thursday, December 22, 2005

tHanKs tO PeePs iN OC....

Huuuaaa... senangggnyaaa dah mo natalan lg... hmm it means gw dah di US ampir 1 1/2 taon dehh... n dah setaon lebi jg gw di CA, huhuhuhu... ga kerasa bgt dehhh... wahhh bntr lg brarti gw jg harus melepas umur 18 gw.. well masi mayan lama jg sih... :))

yahhh di -hampir- penghujung taon 2005 ini... i just wanna say thanks to u guys... org" yg ngisi hari" gw... ngalamin suka duka bareng gw jg.. mulai dr awal taon ada Nadia, Tika yg nemenin kebosenan gw disini... trus di IVC yg sering pegi, hangout bareng.. ada Cory, Nastassja, Daniel Kusno, Guntur, Ines, Alvin... then second week of March gw mulai PD... wadooohhh kalo ini repot jg mesti gw sebutin satu" yahh... well yg pasti thx to u all generally.... Andre Halim [Halime, the first best n true friend here], Irene yg bawa gw ke PD, heheheh... trus yah bwat smuanya.. Ernest+Wanny, Kevin, Ci Kim[a really true friend n advisor], Paulin, Willy[my soulmate... AMEN..], Harry, Lia, Michael[si centil.... temen brantem..], Vonny, Mario, Nita, Susan, Donny, Andre, Martha[my ciciiiii jg...], Andy Wilianto+Otto yg kmana" suka bareng... dr mulai pegi PD bareng sampe bolos UP n nonton Madagaskar bareng.. ;) oooppppss ketauan dehh, huhuhuuu.. Ronald, Dion, Gaby, Tata, Roxanne, Randall, Rima, Bobby, dll dll... temen" yg gw knalnya di retret, UP jg.. Audi, Lupus, Denny, Lucia, William, n org" yg makan tengah malem abis nganterin Andre ke LAX.. kk" klas sayaaahh yg ktemu disini.. Cindy, Monique.. trus ada Tasia, Andre Thio, Hendro jg.. trus ditambah yg lately suka hang out bareng... ada Joy [my good, isenk, bawel, kadang cool kadang nyolot, nice roommate], Damasus+Cynthia, Achonk, Ika, Andy Thedjo [yg unfortunately bntr lg mesti ke Jepanggg... hiiikkksss.. well yg minta gw bwat update niyh blog jg.. =p], Frans, Daniel Tan... trus ada Ko Welly, Ko Dany yg jayusnya parah bgt n br ketauan.. Ko Hadi+Ci Deb, Ko Set, Elen, Amanda n smua yg laen" yg buaaanyyyaaakk bgt n ga bisa gw sebutin satu"... maaappp yakkk... ga maksud melupakan nama kalian.. yahhh bgitulahhh... pokoknya u guys made my days so wonderful n colorful!!! sorry bgt klo ada kata", sikap, perbuatan n tindakan gw yg kurang berkenan.. :)) love u all... muachhh muachhh...