Wednesday, October 31, 2007

When I Say That I Love You

You feel that you're lonely
It doesn't prove that you are alone
You feel that nobody wants you
It doesn't mean that no one cares about you

Listen to words I say for I will always by your side
You mean everything to Me and I will never leave you cos I love you so

If you think that you're nothing
Before Me you were something beautiful
You think that you can't do anything
But you can do a lot of things with Me
So listen to the words I'll say for I will always be by your side
You mean everything to Me and I will never leave you cos I love you so

When I say that I love you it means I give the best for you
When I say that I love you I will give everything for you
No more fear about the future and blame for the past
I give everything when I say that I love you

You think that you're nothing
Before me you were something beautiful
You think that you can't do anything
But you can do a lot of things with Me
So listen to the words I'll say for I will always be by your side
You mean everything to Me and I will never leave you cos I love you so


I want you to know that I die for you
I want you to know that I give all my life for you
When I say that I love.. say that I love you


I give everything when I say that I love you
When I say that I love you I really do
When I say that I love you I really do

Saturday, September 29, 2007

How do i smile with tears in my heart...

It's getting harder when I have to be fine even I know my heart cries... I think I'm now serving two masters, where it is very impossible in fact... on one side I want to be me myself with joyful heart doing my good routines, having fun in a good way, serving His people.. but on the other hand, I'm lack of support... prayers, partner, friends.... People are kinda busy with their own stuff, I miss some of my past parts in my old life book... but at some points I need to realize to be in this present time where I find a lot of challenges, disagreements, unstable condition, different characters, and dissapoinments... I just can't say it out loudly... It's deep in my heart, and I know the reason though.. I'm not ready to hurt and be hurt by my lovely ones...

It's also annoying to see couple people with bad attitude and bad words, my goshhhh... seems like I deal with stupid people and I don't want to be affected by this kinda person anymore.... not anymore please... I also feel like here I am... again, in another transition point to make a new decision where I need to go... willing to lose who/whatever I love to find my own happiness I used to have OR staying at this happiness point, sharing life with others, but losing my interest which was a foundation of my life I guess... I'm pulled into another life and routines... I just know now that I can't be in two boats..... fiuhhhhhhhhhh.... neeeeddd some help :(

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

----- deEPeR -----

Learn to love the people who are with you at present.
Forget the people in the past and thank them for hurting you,
which led you to love the people you have right now.

When you love someone,
you'll do crazy things you can't explain,
you'll deny the truth and believe in lies.
{well... i don't think so... won't deny the truth and believe in lies for sure...}

When you love someone,
you sacrifice, give everything you've got
and don't think twice.

You risk it all no matter what.
Everything in life is temporary because everything changes.
That is why it takes courage to love,
knowing it might end anytime...
having faith will make it last.
{uh huh...}

Friends are not the ones who laugh when you laugh and cry when you cry.
They are the ones who make you laugh and stop you from crying.

Love is the feeling we fall in and out of,
and every time we fall off, we learn to hold on tighter...
hoping that next time, we may never have to let go.

They say when love knocks at your door, open it.
But do you know that sometimes love enters
through the back door and before you begin to notice it,
it's on it's way out.

Have you ever loved only to let it go?
Have you ever hated someone and loved him so?
Have you ever missed someone so bad it made you cry?
Have you ever seen someone left alone without knowing why?

Love is not the right word to say when you feel guilty
nor the right word to say when you like a person
but love really matters when we share our thoughts, our minds, and our hearts...

Life has a way of changing things but not the joy that friendship brings,
for friendship is like the shining moon,
makes each night a brighter one.

Love is not for beauty or color of the skin,
but for a heart that is loyal within,
for beauty fades and the skin would grow old
but a heart that is loyal will never turn cold.

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks yourheart,
forgive them for they have helped you learn about trust
and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

A love is easy to feel, so hard to explain;
so easy to get, so hard to let go;
so easy to spell, so hard to define...
and yet everyone is still taking the risk.
That's love !

We are all a little weird and life's a little weird,
and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,
we join up with them and fallin love in mutual weirdness
and call it LOVE!

Never be afraid to fall in love.
It may hurt a lot,
it may give you aches and pain,
but if you don't follow your heart;
in the end you will cry even more for not giving love a chance.

If someone loves you, love them back
not only because they love you,
but also because they are teaching you to love
and opening your heart and eyes to things you have never seen or felt without them.

The past is meant to be used as a tool for the future.
Bad experiences indeed make you bitter but the lessons learned should make you better.

On letting go:
it hurts to see someone you love happy with somebody else;
but wouldn't it hurt you more to see that person unhappy... with you?

When you find arms that will hold you at your weakest,
eyes that will see you at your ugliest,
lips that will kiss you in both instances,
and a heart that will love you at your worst,
then you have found true love.

Someday, someone might come into your life
and love you in a way you always wanted.

If your someday was yesterday.. LEARN
If your someday is tomorrow.. HOPE
If your someday is today.. CHERISH.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

aHHhhh CANTIK....

Ternyataaaa.... gw ga pulang 2 taon ajah banyaakkkkk bgt yg berubah di indo... mungkin kalo jakarta physically gw dah banyak denger kalo brubah dengan banyaaaaaakkkknya mall, hohoho... tp kalo temen2 gw SMP/SMA uda banyak yg jadi model/broadcaster.... hmmm ini yg gw maksud PERUBAHAN...

one of my girl friends.... uda melanglang buana yah say.... hepiiiii dehhh hepiiii... baru juga semalem ngobrol di msn kayaknya masi byasa2 ajah, tapi pas isenk liat2 fs pagenya... smua foto2 di magazines ternama di indo.... seventeen, FHM, spice, dll... NICE... two thumbs up deh bwat loe!! *you know who you are* stelah apa yg menimpa keluarga loe (koko tercinta)... well, terbukti skali lagi emg... things happen for a reason... gimana people bisa sediiiii bgt karena something, tapi di balik itu pasti ada berkat baruuuuu...

Mizz "DG".... mizz ambisius... yg mau nyobain hal2 yg slalu baru... calon dokter... *you know who you are* uda jadi penulis yah non... hihihihihi... n model magazine jugaaa... ahhhh tidakkk... i can see how you change, A LOT!!!! dari yg SMA "cowo" bgttttt.... tapi skrg, "CEWE" skaliiiiii... klo dulu ga kenal yg namanya make-up, ahhhh skrg ga mungkin ketinggalan dehhh... :D

Miss "MS" yg udah jadi penyiar radio.... akhirnyaaaa... uda mulai dipraktekin deh tuh bakat loe yah buuuu.... dari yg dulu cuman niruin guru2, hahahahaha... -tak mau menyebut nama- sampe ikutin gaya K'Rosi SCTV.... sampe akhirnya skrg loe dah terjun dehhh ke dunia loe yg sbenernya... yg dulu lupa deh harus ktawa "ladies please" sampe skrg udah ladyyy dehhh.. good job honeeeyyyy....

someone out there, temen SMP yg uda lama bgt ga ngobrol sama gw... eh ternyataaaaaaa di SMA temenan deket sama temen deket gw pas SD, hihihih.... gw super salut dehhhh sama yg satu ini.. satu hal yg pasti gw blajar dari pengalaman... if u wanna move on, move on.... NEVER yg namanya menoleh ke belakang... skrg gw bisa liat deh usaha dia, yg sampe org laen jadi segan sama dia.... uda jadi bintang iklan kmana2...

Jadi intinyaaaa... saya bangga punya teman2 iniiii... ini baru org2 yg lumayan deket n masi ngobrol sama gw... masi keep in touch sampe skrg.. yg laen2??? waduhhhh... saya ga mampu mungkin ngedengernyaaa... hohohoho...
gw cuman mau blg sama 4 org ini... GOOD LUCK for the next projects.... jadi makin kangen dehhh sama smua muaaa muanyyyaaa...
i'll cya when i cya... GB all!!

i dedicate this to 4 of u, pretty sure u know who u are... since itu tulisan2 juga gw warnain sama kayak warna2 fave loe, hihihihiiii...

Syapa bilang skul cewe smua ga seruuuuu???? HUH... kalian2 smua SALAH teman... haahahhaha... we'll see the GIRL POWER dehhh yaaa....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

FALLing in LOVE...

When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure.

But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher.

In the game of love, it doesn't really matter who won or who lost.

What is important is you know when to hold on and when to let go!

You know you really love someone when you want him or her to be happy,

even if their happiness means that you're not part of it.

Everything happens for the best.

If the person you love doesn't love you back,

don't be afraid to love someone else again,

for you'll never know unless you give it a try.

You'll never love a person you love unless you risk for love.

Love strives in hurting.

If you don't get hurt, you don't learn how to love.

Love doesn't hurt all the time.

Though the hurting is still there to test you, to help you grow

Don't find love, let love find you.

That's why it's called falling in love

because you don't force yourself to fall.

You just fall.

You cannot finish a book without closing its chapters.

If you want to go on,

then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages.

Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress.

It is a lifetime venture
in which we are always learning, discovering and growing.

The greatest irony of love is letting go
when you need to hold onand holding on when you need to let go.

We lose someone we love only when we are destined to find someone else whocan love us even more than we can love ourselves.

On falling out of love,

take some time to heal and then get back on the horse.

But don't ever make the same mistake of riding the same one that threw you the first time.

To love is to risk rejection,

to live is to risk dying,

to hope is to risk failure.

But risk must be taken because theg reatest hazard in life is to risk nothing!

To reach for another is to risk involvement,

to expose your feelings is to expose trueself,

to love is to risk not to be loved in return.

How to define love: fall but do not stumble,

be constant but not too persistent,

share and never be unfair,

understand and try not to demand,

hurt but never keep the pain.

Love is like a knife.

It can stab the heart, or

it can carve wonderful images into the soul that always last for a lifetime.

Love is supposed to be the mostwonderful feeling.

It should inspire you and give you joy and strength.

But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end.

Loving people means giving them the freedom who they choose to be and where they choose to be.

For all the heartaches and the tears,

for gloomy days and fruitless years,

you should give thanks,for you know,

that there were the things that helped you grow.

Loving someone means giving him the freedom to find his way,

whether it leads towards you or away from you.

Love is a painful risk to take,

but the risk must be taken no matter how scary or painful,

for only then you'll experience the fullness of humanity

and that is LOVE.

Only love can hurt your heart,

fill you with desire and tear you apart.

Only love can make you cry and only love knows why.

If you're not ready to cry,

if you're not ready to take the risk,

if you're not ready to feel the pain,

then you're not ready to fall in love.

There was a time in our lives when we became afraid to fall in love

'coz everytime we do,

we get hurt,

then i figured that's why it's called FALLING IN LOVE

Monday, September 18, 2006

God is good... ALL THE TIME...

Praise God... KRK Mudika ICOC Sabtu kemaren boleh berjalan dengan baik dari awal, pertengahan hingga akhir... Banyak keraguan, ketakutan, kecemasan, dll sebelom acara... kayaknya banyak kekurangan di sana sini, tapi ngeliat banyak orang bersukacita... i'm sure that was His amazing work, bahwa pertolonganNya tidak pernah terlambat...

Guest speakernya T-O-P-B-G-T... hehehehe.. ga pernah bosen deh kalo denger Tante Esther bawa firman dari jaman2nya masi di Youth Generation n ImagoDei di Indo... sampe skrg masi tetep mantaaaapphhh.. trus banyak ktemu temen2 yg dah lama ga ktemu juga karena emg gw dah ga pernah maen ke LA... :Pp seruuu dehh seruuu... so even mestinya capeeee bgt dari pagi dah mesti bangun n beres", tapi masi bisa ON deh sampe maleemmm...

Once again, He gave me a privilege to see His glory revealed. He touches the hearts of those who long for Him, He heals many wounded hearts, He speaks to many people, He encourages the doubtfuls and the lukewarms...

Let this be the beginning for each one of us to be immersed more and more in His abundant love and mercy.
Praise God, praise the Lord, Hallelujah, AMEN!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Hmmm... suliiiit deh kalo bahas soal ini...
dulu bangeettt sering yg namanya dikeselin orang2 deket... masi kecil masalahnya, makin gede, makin gede n makin gede lagi kalo orang boong... jadinya makin lama makin susah dehhh prakteknyaaa... teori sih gampang... tapi harus menyangkal diri bwat praktekinnya... harus ngorbanin hati dan perasaan... :) apalagiiii klo orangnya dah kenal deket, makin deep dehhhh....

Ketika mengasihi dengan tulus ternyata juga ga gitu dihargai... apakah gw bakalan nyerah untuk mengasihi this person?? jawabannya NGGAK sihhh... love until it hurts... brapa kali gw gagal, tapi dibangunkan kembali... stronger than i was before... I ask to be purified di dalam kasih yg tanpa syarat, even susahhh dan ga smua orang bisa ngerti kayak apa sih kasih yg AGAPE ituh... that's the reason knapa in a relationship takut yg namanya terbuka n jujur to each other... well, klo Willy pnah blg truth hurts but it shall set u free.. i really confirm that sihh... from my personal experience, i would say... i do never regret for what happened in my life... things always happen for a reason... kalo sampe nantinya jg something bad happen again, i don't wanna see it as a failure... i wanna see what's behind that and who's in control... once again... i don't wanna say to God that i have big problems, but i wanna tell my problem that i have a BIG GOD...

Sharing dari Santa Barbara Labor Day weekend kmaren... beberapa tau kalo gw tertarik ama sign di jalanan yg tulisannya "Speed Limit 25 mph from sunrise to sunset"... it's simple tapi yahhh jujur ajah gw br skali liat sih yg bgini, normally kan ada jam"nya ajah... trus bgitu gw pikir" lagi, gw dapet pengertian... mannn, untung Tuhan kita ga kasi speed limit dalam mencurahkan berkat dan kasihNya, apalagi cuman dari sunrise to sunset... berkat, pengampunan dan cintaNya yg AGAPE.. yg tidak berlimit, tanpa batas diberikan secara cuma-cuma dari sunrise sampe sunrise lagi, baru setiap hari... so personally gw sangat bersyukur kalo gw punya Allah yg dahsyat, even gw masi sangat lemah... dalam mengasihi dan mengampuni gw masih dalam tahap blajar dan belum sempurna... gitu ajah sih...
Praise God, praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Amen..

Tetapi jawab Tuhan kepadaku: "Cukuplah kasih karuniaKu bagimu, sebab justru dalam kelemahanlah kuasaKu menjadi sempurna". Sebab itu terlebih suka aku bermegah atas kelemahanku, supaya kuasa Kristus turun menaungi aku (2Kor 12:9)