Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Our Father's Letter...

My Child,

You may not know me,
but I know everything about you.
I know when you sit down and when you rise up.
For I am familiar with all your ways.
Even the very hairs on your head are numbered.
For you were made in My image.
In me you live and move and have your being, for you are my offspring.
I knew you even before you were conceived.
I chose you when I planned creation.
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book.
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
I knit you together in your mother's womb.
And brought you forth on the day you were born.
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love.
And it is my desire to lavish my love on youI offer you more than your earthly father ever could.
For I am the perfect father.
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs.
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope.
Because I love you with an everlasting love
My thoughts toward you are as countless as the sand on the seashore
And I rejoice over you with singing
I will never stop doing good to you
For you are my treasured possession
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul
And I want to show you great and marvelous things
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart
For it is I who gave you those desires
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine
For I am your greatest encourager
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles
When you are brokenhearted, I am close to you
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed
He is the exact representation of my being
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love.
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen
I have always been Father, and will always be Father

My question is; Will you be My child?
I am waiting for you...


Your Dad
Almighty God


Well.. just remember that we all are God's children...
Once we give our heart completely to Him, He's never failed and His promises are always TRUE in His time...
His ways are not our ways and His time is not ours...
He is the FIRST and TRUE LOVE that everybody's looking for, as He isn't just LIKE love, but He Himself is LOVE and TRUTH and WAY...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

hey youuu!!! ;)

myspace code

You know who you are...
from my heart to yours...
Love youuu beibeeehhh...

Monday, August 14, 2006

DCI 2006.... PSUMB...

Aaaahhhh tidakkk....
bagaimana mungkinnn... Blue Devils kok rankingnya turun, jd yg ke3... ohhh nooooo... klo ga jd champion masi ok lah, soalnya emg The Cavaliers top abiiisss, but Phantom Regiment ga masuk itungan gw bwat ngalahin Blue Devils, hiiikkksss...

oohhh well... uda gitu sedi hari ini dapet kabar buruk... even cuman 3 taon bergumul sama dunia MB, tapi tetep ajah... i belong to PSUMB... sedi kalo korps ada masalah, sedi kalo junior" gw ga smangat maen!!!! gawat emang kalo uda addicted ama something... bangga jd bagian dari PSUMB, tapi jujur ngeliat unit laen yg makin kereeeeennn maennya, apalagi baru liat DCI.. gimana unit" kayak The Cavaliers kalo display, trus ekspresi pemainnya jugaaa... waduuuuuhhh jd pengen nangiiiiss ngeliat korps dimana dulu gw maen jd drop...

ciayooooo donk PSUMB.... GPMB di depan mata nihhh... well, ditunda sih, but still... harus semangaaaattttt... jd pengen pulang indo dehhh sayaaa... nonton GP skalian bday di indo kayaknya good idea deh nihh.... tapi trus bolos kul, hihihihiii... :Pp


Thursday, August 10, 2006


ga ada yg kbetulan sih emang, everything happens for a reason...
kalo endingnya hepi, that's obvious... klo ga hepi ending, it doesn't mean the reason is not good tho... pasti ada something that we have to learn from the experience...

for these past few days... berasa overwhelmed ajah...berasa cape n ga gituh semangat... emang sih manusia ga pnah puas, apalagi me, hihihi... ga ada kerjaan, jadinya bosen n ga betah di rumah... banyak kerjaan n activities, protes jam tidurnya kurang... hohohoho... dan hari ini lewat banyak hal, many little things sihh... gw terus diingetin untuk bersyukur...

pertama buka email, ada email bwat PD Jumat ini, ayat yg dikutip about thanksgiving... yahhh cuman skilas baca, i just scanned it and didn't really pay attention... i just thought... oohhh okeeeyyy, gw cukup bersyukur koq sama hidup gw.. and that's it...

trus... i have to send email, dan ga tau knapa... gw nulis jg ttg hal yg similar... let's bow down and thank God for every single thing He has done for us... in the past and present time... trus yg came up in my mind yahhh cuman i've been doing this....

kayaknya dari email ajah ga cukup untuk bikin gw diam sejenak dan merenung apa yg udah dikasi lebih bwat gw... sampe akhirnya saking bosennya, gw mulai chatting... dari satu temen gw yg kocak dan emang gw expect bwat bisa menghibur n ngilangin ngantuk gw... :) gw merasa ditampar... ditampar bwat bangkit lagiiii... well, sbenernya sih dia cuman bilang hal yg simple... dia cuman kagum sama gw, gw kerja iya, skul iya, hangout jalan terus, punya cowo, dan hasilnya GPA 4.0... i might just take things for granted... blajar ga pernah, paling klo cuman ada midterm or final bener" buka buku tapi masi bisa keep my GPA... malah banyak waktu bwat hangout... weekend bisa dimulai from Wednesday, hohohoh.. wahhh kayaknya dari sini i spent time to count blessings...

kalo bole dibilang, i don't know exactly what's my purpose in life, but then... i just walk by faith, not by sight.. apa yg gw minta tapi gw ga bisa dapet, kayaknya ga ada sihh... gw dapet smuanyaaa, even harus nunggu lama... tapi dari sini gw jd berasa sdikitttt lebi sabar :) Praise God!!!
  • dari mulai parents, they're so AWESOME... many thumbs up bwat mereka deh, ga cukup kalo cuman pake 2 thumbs up... i couldn't imagine gimana gw kalo dari kecil dimanja, wahhh ga bisa deh jd kayak skrg... so many times i walked in darkness, but i know they're always there and they always open their arms to hold and cover me... trus keadaan skeliling gw, org" yang membentuk gw... org" yg ada bwat bikin gw down :) org" yg ada bwat nemenin n support gw when i'm down... org" yg terus cover me with their prayers even dah jauuhhh bgt kepisah benua {thanks a lot!!!}

  • Many problems yg menyita waktu gw, but actualy they make me even stronger.. many challenges n barriers in life yg maksa gw bwat survive...

  • trus yg ga kalah penting, i'm so thankful bwat skul terberat yg pernah gw jalanin in my whole life, SANURRR!!! banyak hal yg gw bisa blajar sihhh, ga cuman akademis stuff klo guru gw dulu bilang, but now i have to say... banyak hal" dalam hidup yg gw blajar... such as, di atas langit pasti ada langit... gw ngerasa bgt, kalo temen" gw smuanya punya kualitas otak yg sama/similar... jdnya ga bisa santai" deh kalo mau dapet nilai bagus, uda gitu guru"nya juga hardcore gituuu... so gw blajar bgt sih gimana kerja kerasnya bwat ngejar nilai... then, bole dibilang gw orgnya perfeksionis bwat hal" tertentu, slaen good grade... gw ngambil ekskul yg berat jg lagiii, hhehehhee... dari marching brass, gw jg blajar banyak, about disiplin, sabar, gimana harus bersosialisasi sama temen" gw yg juga jd senior gw :) work in team juga... gimana rasanya cross country, hohhohoho... trus bgitu satu taon disitu, gw marah, gw kecewa n kesel, krn gw ga bisa masuk jurusan yg gw mau karena gw sakit n ga ngambil ujian akhirnya.... pengen bgt berontak, tp ternyata everything happens for a reason emanggg.... gw blajar about leadership, journal, sampe akhirnya gw bisa live-in... this was the best experience i've ever had, gimana gw ngerasain hidup susah, panas, jalan kaki mulu jauuhhh lagii, makanan ga enak, tidur gelap", mandi takut, banyak nyamuk, badan sakit smua, kaki lecet", huehuehuehuehue... but you have to survive there!!! trus ga kebetulan juga kalo pas lagi bulan rosario gt disana, so org" desanya ngumpul n doa bareng, so yah kita blajar rosario bahasa Jawa sihhh... mesti bawa contekan, since even gw bisa Jawa, tapi ga Jawa halus bgini... :Pp gw liat bgt gimana yg namanya solidarity, kebersamaan dan persaudaraan terikat erat disana.. trus tiap malem bisa liat bintang lagiiiii, wuiiihhh.. so hepiii, soalnya di Jakarta mana bisa liat sgitu banyak bintang di langit....

Abis itu... 2 taon yg lalu, gw bisa dapet chance bwat conference di UN... the thing i've never expected before... jadi ambassador mannnn, pengen nangis rasanya klo gw inget gimana struggle-nya pelajarin itu satu buku yg tebeeeeelllll banget, lebi tebel dari buku kuliah gw gituuu... dan loe harus apalin, ngerti dan harus loe presentasiin dan kasi comment... mending waktunya lama, cuman beberapa hari, about 3-4 days harus abis deh tuh bacanya... mending pake bahasa Indo, Inggris tingkat tinggi lagiii, yg gw cuman inget pas liat kamus doank, skrg mahhh inggris pas"an... makanya kalo ditanya ada apa di Washington DC... yg kepikir di gw, it was fun, tapi ada penyiksaan jg disana... :) tapi stelah masuk New York, smuanya jadi sooooo beautiful, heehehhehehe... disini blajar bgt gimana sih gaul sama org" pinter DUNIA, yg skrg masuknya ke Yale, Berkeley, Harvard, Stanford, John Hopkins, Oxford ;) blajar bgt yg namanya how to be a true leader, how to make decisions dalam waktu yg limited, resikonya gede and you have to responsible for everything... tapi kalo tiap hari cuman conference juga ga mungkin gw bisa survive sihhh... :Pp partiiiiii juga jalannnn teruuusss... hihihihi...

yahhh skrg... i'm so thankful bwat apa yg gw jalanin sihh... smuanya, dari skul, temen" gw disini, komunitas, kerjaan, dll... the conclusion... I know He has prepared the best things and the best ones for me... to grow with, in and for Him... Praise God, praise the Lord, Hallelujaaaahhh, Amen..

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Doa Kami...

Syukur untuk setiap rencanaMu
Dan rancanganMu yang mulia
Dalam satu tubuh kami bersatu
Menjadi duta kerajaanMu
Kuucapkan berkat atas Indonesia
Biar kemuliaan Tuhan akan nyata

Bagi bangsa ini kami berdiri
Dan membawa doa kami kepadaMu
Sesuatu yang besar pasti terjadi
Dan mengubahkan negri kami
Hanya namaMu Tuhan ditinggikan
Atas seluruh bumi

Kami tahu hatiMu
Ada di bangsa ini

Doa Kami - True Worshippers

I don't know why, but for this time being... lagu ini muter terus in my mind, so just wanna share this to you all... and deep down in my heart dengan kepercayaan masing" i invite all of you to pray for our country...
This is my desire, Lord.. to pray for my beloved country... biar pengampunan dan kasihMu melanda negri kami dengan dahsyat...
Bawa kami dan bangsa ini Tuhan, lebih tinggi lagi untuk kemuliaanMu...
God bless Indonesia... Aminnnnnn...