Wednesday, August 04, 2004

We are the hope of this generation!!!!

td qta ke UN lagiii, we got a really nice greeting from them.. session jg ok, speaker bagus.. bahannya jg keren siyh nway.. about Global Summit 2 hari lagi, wuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhhh!! abis itu dibagi per kelompok bwat jalan" tour gitu deh... gw dapet central park gt... gw pikir bakalan park yg kayak gimana, tp emg siyh ok laaahh, heehhee.. abis ituh ke NBC studio deh, nahh ini br keren ajeeeeee... hihihihi... trus barusan qta ada National Delegations Rally... jd tiap grup kayak bikin lagu or something gt.. yah qta siyh dr south africa nyanyi... "Hope of This Generation".. thanks for Ross for arrange all of those lyrics etc...

We are the hope of this generation
They wanna know what the youth gonna do
We know they've been waiting
coz we're gonna make it
and we're gonna make it
We shall reign... (we shall reign)

huuuuuuuuuuuhhhh... knapa kelompok gw td menang yah, health commision of South Africa... gara" itu, klompok gw.. dr qta ber3 otomatis dicalonin bwat maju ke Global Summit ngewakilin helath commision scara global... ampuuuuuuunn deh, knapa banyak yg milih gw sampe gw menang??? actually, gw ga expect this thing at all, soalnya dr awal gw ga yakin sama diri gw sendiri sampe bisa maju sejauh ini, gw cuman pikir stop sampe wakil ambassador n menang, thats it!!!! knapa gw ga yakin??? karena gw ga nguasain bahan yg bwat globalnya... the main topic dr south africa tuh.. concern about health krn banyak free seks, kelaparan... which is gw ga punya background yg kuat... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh mesti begadang mulu deh niyh cari bahan n blajar.. thats why gw masi ol sampe skrg... huuuuuhhh...
wish me luck dehhhh... bakalan crita lg ntar or bsk" deh... masi streeeeeeessss bgt!!!! huuuuuhhh...


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